Here you can find other works and versions related with this App. Most of them are just the same application but with slight modifications.

Harmonic Lock-in+PID (v0.3.22)

This version of the App doesn’t include the square Lock-in. Thats enable some free “physical surfece” of the FPGA to implement other features.

The new features are:

  • Modulation added on outputs: In the Auxiliar tab of the Lock-in instrument you can switch on/off the modulacion signal cos_ref to be added to the signal already choosen for each port. A -1 value menas off and any other value is the relative amplitude respecto to 8191 int == 1 Vpp.
  • Enhanced amplification: The X and Y signals can now be amplified by x524288 (x512k). This enables the posibility to measure signals that are far below the resolution limit (~1V/8192)

The lower physical surface load may correct some cross-talking problems between signals that happened on some devices in the Lock-in+PID App.

The source code can be found in github rp_lock-in_pid_h repository.

The last realese version (v0.3.7):

Harmonic Lock-in+PID HF (for High Frequency)

This is a copy of the project avove but with a oscillator than goes from 60 Hz to 1 MHz.

[ github code]

Dummy Simulator(v0.1): A peak function simulator for testing purposes

This App simulate a peak-response from a system scanned through a control signal. You can use ir to test locking procedures for Lock-in+PID or Harmonic Lock-in+PID App.

  • In one RedPitaya device (RP1) you use Lock-in+PID
  • In other one (RP2) you load the simulator
  • Connect RP1 in1 to RP2 out1 and RP1 out1 to RP2 in1
  • Now you can make a Ramp-Scan from RP1. RP2 will response on out1 as you where scaning an spectrum with one peak.
  • On the simulator you can see de actual input, the response of the system, and the also a copy of the peak signal
  • The App lets you configure the peak height, width, position over the ramp-scan, add white gaussian noise and a linear baseline.

The source code can be found in github rp_dummy_simulator repository.

Download v0.1 from: dummy_simulator-0.1.0-1

Harmonic Lock-in+PID with 3 PIDs

Some improvements made by stefanputz, accesible in github repo.